Wednesday, July 21, 2010

we've been out of toliet paper

for months. years, even. or at least that's what it feels like.

i keep finding myself in public bathrooms desperately unrolling as much toliet paper as possible and stuffing it into my pockets, or at parties, drunkenly going through sink cabinets in search of an extra roll.

toliet paper has become what a loaf of bread must be to a starving person.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Dear David Choe,

you are the man. here is a drawing i did from a excerpt from an interview you had with some dude from juxtapoz magazine.

i had no idea you were a real person and modeled my alter ego after you for years.
thanks for being such a huge influence. even if it was an accident.
(i know that my drawing looks nothing like you, but that's what i would look like with a penis, a knife, some courage, and your name)

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

poster i did for some friends at 1am this morning:

i love everyone in sonni shine and touch. they're all a bunch of talented little punks... i recommend catching a show if they come by your area.
the tour starts july 17 and ends august 18, check out the dates and places on their myspace

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

sometimes i make birthday cards

and they come out like this.

left over coloraid + old family photos = what i like