Monday, February 21, 2011

a very small taste

of my thesis:

(a spread out of my book on anxiety dreams. there are four books in all)

i have three weeks to finish. i should probably be freaking out, but stress is something that i don't quite care for anymore.

it's snowing outside,
and two days ago i went on a hike and discovered a small troll house under a bridge, among other fantastic things.

Monday, January 24, 2011


is taking over my brain.

Little posty-poster I made for Akron/family, check it:

It's a bit silly but hey that's okay

Monday, December 27, 2010

Dream texts

i keep sending myself cryptic text messages in the middle of the night about dreams i can't remember in the morning.

here's the most recent last one:
"God is bush with arms and legs and a head and black paint under his eyes. Dolls brushing their hair"

in context to what? i don't know. pretty strange.

Friday, November 19, 2010

hey adam

you asked for an update, so here's a morsel:

10x10" paper sculpture of my mouth that i did in the beginning of the term. one of my more favorite projects done so far.
it's gross....i dig it.
When i take a photo of it with a real camera and light it properly so you can see all the shadows, i'll post that picture on the internet too.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

good morning

found this on my desk:

hairball says "yo dawg. have a great day."
(my roommates are funny)

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


are strange creatures.

holly and i had an hour to kill before a party and decided to dye our hair blue:

look kids! bleach is fun!
we are attrocious, all the time.

on my mind: sugar ray, my new best of cream album, the penrose show (North Star bar at 8!), peru, the lack of work i'm doing, otters.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

12:48 am

is when i'm most hilarious.